
History Tooter

If you are stuggling with history or just need a thing or two clarified in your college level or high school history class, you have come to the right place!! There are many pages of material here that will help you make sense of various historical problems. History Tooter makes learning history easier than traditional class structures. The best history tutor is yourself. Use History Tooter to make history simple. If that still dosen't help you feel free to set up an appointment with the History Tooter.


History Tooter Method

In most history classes, subject matter is approached chronologically—that is from some beginning to some end.    This gives one a sense of the flow of history.  In the end some understanding of the timeline of history is both important and necessary.  But, it is difficult to learn something in such a straightforward way.  It is a great way to run a race, paint a house, shovel snow off your sidewalks or any other simple task, but there is a staggering lot of information that  one must shovel through in a historical survey class.  You need a background (which, is supposed to be taught in public schools).  Lacking a background before class begins, one needs some structure to build a background upon. 

This information at HistoryTooter.com is organized with this in mind.  A pearl in an oyster begins as a grain of sand and gradually the oyster surrounds it with layer after layer of pearl until eventually a complete, usable, beautiful pearl is formed.  Much like the oyster, here on this website any one topic will begin with a grain of information that sums up entire eras.  Then we go a step deeper and sum up smaller eras—building upon that first grain of information until you have added another small layer of knowledge.  Another step deeper and you beginning forming your pearls of knowledge. 

This website is meant to be a place where you can “LEARN” history.  It will help you understand history.  If you just want historical facts, Wikipedia will work fine.  If you really want to learn history start here at the beginning of whatever era you are interested in and make sure that you understand each layer before you proceed to the next.  If you are here at HistoryTooter because you need help in a class that you are taking, stop trying to memorize all the facts that your instructor or your book mentions and start really, really trying to understand the era first.  Once you have done that, the fact will fit into your framework of understanding will little effort. 


  1.  Pick your class or subject from the home page.  i.e.  Western Civilization or United States History.

  2. Follow the layers

  3. If you get lost or something doesn’t make sense, make sure you step back a layer and fully understand the background.

Understanding layers

Layers all follow a typical outline format.

For Example :
  1. United States History (Layer One)

    1. Colonial America (Layer Two)

      1. Colonial Virginia  (Layer Three)

        1. Founding the colony (Layer Four)

          1. Sponsers  (Layer Five)

          2. Nature of Colony (Layer Five)

        2. The Early Years (Layer Four )

          1. Indian relations (Layer Five)

          2. Society (Layer Five)

      2. Colonial New England (Layer Three)

        1. Plymouth  (Layer Four)

          1. Seperatists  (Layer Five)

          2. Mayflower Compact (Layer Five)



            Help With

            History Tooter can help you with any of the following.  Just follow the instructions above and the links to the left.

            American History, US History, Colonial America, American Revolution, New Nation, Age of Jefferson, Age of Jackson, Westward Expansion, the US Constitution, Native Americans, Manifest Destiny, Antebellum South, Industialization, Prelude to the Civil War, the American Civil War, …………etc.